FAQ & Troubleshooting

Some answers for miscellaneous issues or concerns:

The dev server is acting strangely!

Are you on Windows? The 11ty dev server has some bugs on Windows - Strawberry Starter comes with a patch for a big one (thanks Sean!), but things can still look weird sometimes. Regardless of operating system - if you notice anything odd, my advice is to stop the dev server, and then start it again. If that doesn't fix anything, try manually deleting _site.

This is cool, but I want to tinker with it...

I recommend a few starting places:

How can I back up my blog?

Delete the node_modules folder and store the folder somewhere.
When you deploy your site from that backup, run npm install again, and the node_modules folder will return.

I have a question not answered here.

Try making a comment on the itch page, opening an issue on the Github (if you know how to do that) or, alternatively, feel free to reach out to me on social media or email. Or if you just want to show me a cool blog you made 😊